mercredi 24 avril 2013

Italian VS French genders


There are two genders of nouns in both languages, masculine and feminine, and two numbers, singular and plural. Adjectives agree in gender and number with nouns, so you must learn the gender with each noun in order to form grammatically correct phrases. Usually the last letter of the noun will tell you which gender it is.

In French, masculine singular nouns generally end with a consonant, - age or -ment. Feminine singular nouns generally end with -ure, -sion, -tion, -ence, -ance, -té, and -ette.

In Italian, masculine singular nouns generally end with -o or -ore. Feminine singular nouns generally end with -a or -zione. Nouns ending with -e and -ista can be either gender, so you must learn those individually. A few masculine nouns end with -a: il problema, il tema, il teorema, il poeta, il cinema, il programma; and a few feminine nouns end with -o: la mano, la radio, la foto, la moto.
In most cases, the gender of a noun is the same in French and Italian. But there are some cases in which the genders are reversed. (For example, names of cities and letters of the alphabet are masculine in French, but feminine in Italian.)
Masculine in French / Feminine in Italian
Feminine in French / Masculine in Italian
airl'airl'ariaaffair, casel'affairel'affare
artl'artl'artetoothla dentil dente
calmle calmela calmaoill'huilel'olio
number/digitle chiffrela cifralimitla limiteil limite
couplele couplela coppiaseala meril mare
Sundayle dimanchela domenicamethodla méthodeil metodo
summerl'étél'estateminutela minuteil minuto
foreheadle frontla frontepanicla paniqueil panico
guidele guidela guidaperiodla périodeil periodo
springle printempsla primaveraplanetla planèteil pianeta
sandle sablela sabbiasecondla secondeil secondo
eveningle soirla seraattemptla tentativeil tentativo